Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sweet tooth.. =B

Hi, everyone. How has it been going? =)
Today is Thaipusam day, so happy Thaipusam day for all of you who is celebrating. =D
It's a holiday today in Malaysia, yipeee.. =D
One thing about me, holidays always brings up my total laziness, but who wouldn't enjoy lazing around on a holiday? Haha.. that's just an excuse really.. =p
So, today i woke up late and spent hours browsing the internet on my bed, lazy enough to skip breakfast and had my lunch at 3pm, seriously, haha.. That's really bad, i know, but i'm kind of used to it since i started college. Back then when i was still in high school skipping breakfast means disaster for the whole day for me. I didn't know the reason but i would just fall sick, mostly having headaches. =S
I actually love breakfast, but living away from my parents and all the easiness had forced me to take care of myself and most of the time i'm too lazy for that. My bad, but believe me, i'm trying my best.

Okay, so, breakfast, that reminds me of pancakes, yuum.. You know, whenever you stay in a hotel they always serve many types of food for breakfast, from cereals to traditional food. And mostly they will have pancakes or waffles. I love those two, so whenever i got the chance i will straight away pick the good-old milk and cereal and pancakes or waffles. If you're lucky enough you will get maple syrup together with them, that is the best. Maple syrup is really rare in here even if it's here it'll be costly, but if you can get it easily at your place then envy you, haha..

the perfect combination =D

the heavenly bottle of maple syrup

Maple syrup is really a great product of nature. It has lower calories than honey yet it can still satisfy your sweet tooth. Historically, maple syrup was found by the North-American Indians. It is made up from the sap of maple trees which is obtained by piercing the tree to allow the sap to run out. The sap is then condensed by boiling to produce the thick, sweet, brown syrup. Maple trees are only found in regions of North America and the main producers are in Canada.

Besides it's enjoyable sweetness, maple syrup is also beneficial for your health. It is a great source of manganese and good source of zinc. Both of these trace minerals are important in maintaining good immune system. Manganese is essential  for the enzymes needed to fight free radicals and to produce energy. An ounce of maple syrup supplies almost a quarter of the daily value of manganese.
Zinc is good as an antioxidant in reducing the progression of atherosclerosis. It actually helps prevent damage in endothelial cells caused by oxidized LDL cholesterol and also was found out to help in increasing the level of good HDL cholesterol. So you can say hello to healthy heart. =)
For all of you guys, it's good news if you like maple syrup. Maple syrup benefits for your reproductive health in such that the zinc helps in reducing the risk of prostate cancer and aids in the production of sex hormones.
So, what do you say? Let's have maple syrup for our sweet tooth.! =D

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