Friday, January 28, 2011

Feast a.k.a... om nom nom nom.. =d

Hi there.!
I've always been a person who loves eating. I live to eat. Now that's a motto. I eat almost every food you can think of, no restriction. I even eat like A LOT.! But talking about food, that has no end, i mean, i even take a course on it. =D
I love eating, i love food, i also love to see the picture or the miniature of it. I'm sort of obsessed with cute pictures of food. Recently my bf was playing ragnarok online, he knew i am a big fan of food drawings, especially cute ones, so he gave me the link of ragnarok which has those cute food items on it. If you want to see it you can click here for the link. You can scroll to the tiny food picture to enlarge it. So i was crazily copying all the pictures, but since my tiny little netbook doesn't have any picture editing programs i had to use the basic one, Paint.! =D

It's kinda fun though, i'm kind of used to using paint, so this is what i did, i put them in one image file, with random positions.

and then i just set them as my desktop background. Ta daa.! Isn't it cute? lol.. =DD

I like it so much, the food items were cutely drawn, if you noticed, there are five types of pancakes in the picture, sour cream, caviar, jam, mushroom and honey pancake. They are cute.! =D
My favorite is the sour cream pancake, you know, with the white-cream-cute-expression on top of it. So, which one do you like the most? =D

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New pages

Okay, since i created another blog for my assignment *sigh, i will use this blog for myself instead, haha..
So this is for my mom, Happy birthday to you Mom..

I wish you for long life and health and for all your wishes to come true. I always love you mom.. Muacks..

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sweet tooth.. =B

Hi, everyone. How has it been going? =)
Today is Thaipusam day, so happy Thaipusam day for all of you who is celebrating. =D
It's a holiday today in Malaysia, yipeee.. =D
One thing about me, holidays always brings up my total laziness, but who wouldn't enjoy lazing around on a holiday? Haha.. that's just an excuse really.. =p
So, today i woke up late and spent hours browsing the internet on my bed, lazy enough to skip breakfast and had my lunch at 3pm, seriously, haha.. That's really bad, i know, but i'm kind of used to it since i started college. Back then when i was still in high school skipping breakfast means disaster for the whole day for me. I didn't know the reason but i would just fall sick, mostly having headaches. =S
I actually love breakfast, but living away from my parents and all the easiness had forced me to take care of myself and most of the time i'm too lazy for that. My bad, but believe me, i'm trying my best.

Okay, so, breakfast, that reminds me of pancakes, yuum.. You know, whenever you stay in a hotel they always serve many types of food for breakfast, from cereals to traditional food. And mostly they will have pancakes or waffles. I love those two, so whenever i got the chance i will straight away pick the good-old milk and cereal and pancakes or waffles. If you're lucky enough you will get maple syrup together with them, that is the best. Maple syrup is really rare in here even if it's here it'll be costly, but if you can get it easily at your place then envy you, haha..

the perfect combination =D

the heavenly bottle of maple syrup

Maple syrup is really a great product of nature. It has lower calories than honey yet it can still satisfy your sweet tooth. Historically, maple syrup was found by the North-American Indians. It is made up from the sap of maple trees which is obtained by piercing the tree to allow the sap to run out. The sap is then condensed by boiling to produce the thick, sweet, brown syrup. Maple trees are only found in regions of North America and the main producers are in Canada.

Besides it's enjoyable sweetness, maple syrup is also beneficial for your health. It is a great source of manganese and good source of zinc. Both of these trace minerals are important in maintaining good immune system. Manganese is essential  for the enzymes needed to fight free radicals and to produce energy. An ounce of maple syrup supplies almost a quarter of the daily value of manganese.
Zinc is good as an antioxidant in reducing the progression of atherosclerosis. It actually helps prevent damage in endothelial cells caused by oxidized LDL cholesterol and also was found out to help in increasing the level of good HDL cholesterol. So you can say hello to healthy heart. =)
For all of you guys, it's good news if you like maple syrup. Maple syrup benefits for your reproductive health in such that the zinc helps in reducing the risk of prostate cancer and aids in the production of sex hormones.
So, what do you say? Let's have maple syrup for our sweet tooth.! =D

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

You gotta see her.. =)

Hello girls. =D
Some of you may know this youtube Asian make up guru, goes by the name of bubzbeauty.

Seems familiar? or maybe she is the one you always look up to? =)
Bubbi is her nickname. I think she lives in UK, i'm not sure where she is from or how old she is, but she is amazing. She has big interests in beauty, hair, and fashion. She has also been designing  t-shirts and  has released her own clothing range.

Some of the t-shirts she designed

 aren't they cute? =)

I saw few of her beauty and hair tutorials and they are great. Anyone of you who wants to learn make up or simple hair styling can check out her channel. She is not only pretty, cute, and smart, she also has a great way of thinking. One of the thoughts she shared on her website:
The aim of Bubzbeauty "To Spread the Joy of course! - Make life Bubbiful"
I believe that Confidence is the key to living life happily. With confidence, you are comfortable and you feel good about yourself. A way to get to happiness then is to feel good about yourself when you think about yourself, so you associate yourself with being happy. Confidence boosts happiness. Therefore Bubzbeauty is created to help young women & men pick up confidence in themselves. Nothing should come in the way of one feeling beautiful. Art can be expressed through many forms and Makeup, Hair & Fashion form together as a creative family which can represent who we are. So through Bubzbeauty, we are on a learning curve together and exploring new innovations.

Recently i was browsing on youtube and found her other channel, a comedy channel, called bubbiosity. The videos are random, hilarious videos, mostly about little things that she experienced. They are indeed hilarious, i literally laugh my ass off watching them. She did very well on role playing the characters in her videos, from random boy to her own granny. Here are few of my favorite videos from the channel.

I personally love the hip thrusting guy, 'he' just look so ridiculous but appealing at the same time, haha.. She is definitely really good at it. Her videos now are my mood booster. =D

Other than that, they way she did those things kind of reminds me of my best friend in high school. She used to joke a lot and was very good at role playing too. It's always been fun and full of laughter with her. We'd gone trough so many things together, me, my twin sister and her. Three of us with the same height and similar looks. Few times we would dressed up all similar and hang out together, it was fun, especially when someone asked if the three of us were twins. =D

tricky triplet =D

us in our school uniforms

After we graduate, she took a degree in interior design and is now studying in Surabaya, Java, while me and my twin sister went overseas. She is really good at drawing, painting, designing and stuffs. It's been almost 3 years since the last time three of us gather together, and i really really miss her. I couldn't meet her because our holiday period always don't match. Every time i went back to Bali, she was still on the middle of the semester and so does the reverse.

Friendship is quite a complicated thing for me, mostly because i might not fully an expert in it. I might say i am not such a good friend, but i always try my best to be one. I hope i've been and still be a good friend for you, as you are always for me.

I miss you, Winna. =*)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Home is where your heart belongs

Hands up for those of you who read or like or is a big fan of the book or the movie. =)

I watched the movie, but i didn't read the book. I don't really know the reason, but i just always take a long time reading a book, and that's a pity. i know. =(

Anyway, the movie was awesome. I really like watching or reading something that  is based on true story. It's quite sad though to see the fact that their relationship didn't work out and she just left her ex-husband that way, but i know there must be some explanation for that. Grown-ups are always complicated.

Okay, so another reason why i like watching the movie was because Bali was one of the place she visited. and yes, Bali is my hometown. =D

I've lived in Bali since i was born. My dad used to live in Java and my mom in Lombok, so Bali is the island which separates my parent's hometown, yet funny enough now my whole family live in Bali. =D

I'm really grateful having Bali as my hometown. It is really a beautiful paradise to live in. It may not be the most developed city, but it has every essential thing for you to enjoy what the nature has. You can find beaches, forests, paddy fields, hills, mountains in one small island. It's the best. The view, the culture, the people, the foods are magnificent. I really adore the strong bond of the people with their religion, Hindu, and their Gods. They have a lot of ceremonies and festivals every different dates and they always do them willingly.

Wherever you go in Bali, you can never find skyscraper buildings like any other towns in Indonesia has. Balinese ancestors actually restrict buildings taller than the height of coconut tree, which is around 15 meters (?) they say. I feel like this principle has successfully affect the conservation of the unique Hindu culture environment and that's why you can still enjoy Bali without the influence of tall, crowded buildings.

The conflict is now that a lot of people want to live in Bali and the fact that population in Bali itself is growing, is causing this principle to become a trouble. Imagine if they keep on holding to it, they will have to open up more land field for housing area, risking the paddy fields which has been one of their main cultural assets. It's a hard decision for Balinese now.
Personally, i love paddy fields a lot, and i don't like to see a lot of tall buildings, so it's really a hard choice. Tell me, what will you choose?

It's been almost 3 years since i live in Malaysia. I have only visited Bali once every year, last time on August last year.

Here are few photographs that i took during my visit.

random statue

i love seashells

my favorite beach, Sanur beach

I will go there again this April. Promise i will take a lot of photographs. =D
I really miss Bali. I love my hometown, and i'm proud every time someone ask me where i came from. Bali, i would say. The island of God, a lot of people called. For me, it is the place that i love the most, my home town.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

My inspiration

Who wouldn't recognize her?
Audrey Hepburn, the legendary style icon, that is for most people, but for me, she is a lot more than that. She is an inspiration.

Beyond her iconic beauty and style, she was a humble, caring, kind, and charming person. Living during the World War II was one of her life-changing experience. She was able to live through it and learned the lessons that made her the great person that she was. She had this huge affection for children, especially unfortunate ones, and that was why she joined and dedicated the remainder of life working to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).

I have only watched few of her movies, namely Funny Face, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sabrina, My Fair Lady, and i love all of them. I'm looking forward to watch other movies of hers, hope i can find them. =)

Her first movie that i watched was Funny Face. It was a musical, funny, cute, romantic movie, but on top of that i am very fond of the message in the movie, that is about empathy. 

Empathy is to project your imagination so that you actually feel what the other person is feeling.You put yourself in the other person's place. - Audrey Hepburn, Funny Face

I'm a firm believer of empathy, so you know where it goes. =)

In the movie there is also a famous scene where Audrey danced. It is one of my most favorite scene. =D

You can really see how well she can dance, to the fact that she used to do ballet. Besides acting and dancing, she was also a good singer. She sang in few of her movies, one of the most popular scene is when she sang Moon River in Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Besides her lovely, full of spirit, yet innocent look and classic style, I  also love her unique British-like accent ( i don't exactly know where it came from), it sounds really classic, the signature of Audrey. In My Fair Lady, where she played as Eliza Doolittle, a flower seller, she spoke with a strong Cockney, or "Lisson Grove lingo" as it is called, and she did marvellous job of playing two exact opposite character.

There is still a lot of things we can learn from her. I couldn't share all of them. You can click here to read her biography and get ready to be inspired. =)

I guess that's all that i can share right now. I really adore her in every aspects.
~ Audrey Hepburn is an icon legend, a  woman with grace, elegance and innocence, yet beyond all that she was a mother, a humanitarian, a woman with a heart of gold.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I want gingerbread man for Christmas.!

That's a real deal, i was craving for that man-shaped ginger cookies last Christmas, but unfortunately i couldn't get it. =(
Eating it must be heavenly, but i'm thinking more of getting the plush toy, haha..
i saw them last time when they put them as decorations at a mall, i even took photos of them.

the really cute version of gingerbread man plush toy, i wish i could get one.!

can i be the bear, please? =D

 i love their cute appearance with all the frosting and stuff. The real life-size one is also hilarious, check it and chase it out in the video.!

okay, let's move on to the hot topic i'm going to blabber about, that is when gingerbread becomes something really cool and craved by people other then as a tea time snack. yes fella, i'm talking about the android 2.3 gingerbread version. =D
so what is this android? is it edible? i know some of u gadget freaks must have known about every detail of it, but i'm here as an amateur, so cut me some slack, lol..

So basically, android is one of the latest mobile operating system. It was firstly developed by Android Inc. and bought by Google in 2005. The first  system was released in late 2008 and kept being updated.The cute thing is that they gave code names for every update based on dessert item in alphabetical order, starting from cupcake, donut, eclair, froyo, gingerbread, the newest to come is honeycomb and the next is issued to be ice cream sandwich.
The gingerbread version was released last month, so it's still fresh from the oven.

the freshly baked android gingerbread

 You can check the facts of Android Gingerbread or you can go to their official website.

Welcoming 2011.. =D

It's the second week of new year already, that's how fast time flies. 2010 went just like a click, but i can assure all of us got a bunch of stories going on last year.. =)
As for me, i've been through a lot in 2010, most importantly, turning 20, leaving the faithful number 1 in my 10 years. And this year i'll be 21, talking about being an adult.. =S

New year seems identical with goals to be fulfilled for some people. Some also have their wish list, whether it's small simple things or really big changes, so what is yours? =)

Me, personally, i don't really have specific goals to be fulfilled each year, i just go on with the pace. but still whatever it is, i'm just hoping to be a better person. =)

Truth to be told this is my first time writing on a blog, I mean, I've been looking forward to it since I don't remember when, and this is the time to try it.
I've been thinking that it'll be easy, but I realized it's harder than it seems, haha.. so please spare me if I'm bluffing around and bored you, but I'll try my best, so please be my guest, I appreciate it so much.. =D

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Say Hi.! =D

First posting of what is called forever.. So,