Monday, April 11, 2011


Just a quick post for who-ever-is-reading. I'll be having my first exam this semester within few hours. Going to hit the bed in few minutes. I'm feeling strangely calm, just like last time on my project presentation. Who knows what this means? i hope it means something good.. =)

Well, whatever it is, wish me luck.. =)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dreamy dream (?)

Have you ever had such a sweet dream when you sleep, and the moment you wake up, you don't feel like waking up, or feeling like your real world is not better than your dream? I can tell you i have. =p
It was last night i had this weird dream, it was about vampires, probably adopted from twilight, i don't know, it's just that the vampires were gorgeous too, not like those scary, old type of vampires, but instead they were Asians, lol.. I'm not going into details, but this guy appears as the Edward, i would say, and you can easily guess who was Bella, hahaha.. Eerie though, it's not that i love twilight, or Edward, i'm just saying to get it easier to imagine.

Yup, it was this girl (guy)..

Whoops, no, it was this guy..

Haha, just kidding, that's the old version, it was this guy, for real..

I couldn't find the best photo of him on google, but i hope you get the idea. If you watch any Japanese movies like Gokusen, Conan or Hana Yori Dango, you might know what i'm talking about.. ;D
I only watch Gokusen though, can't really tell about the others..

Anyway, those two photos above were him too, can you tell? lol..
Well, he did a lot more than just those two in this video.

His name is Oguri Shun, now you can google him if you wonder, lol..
Man, i don't know why he was the one who appeared in my dream. I was not really interested in him, but now i feel like he's gorgeous, haha..

Okay, that's not the whole point. What i'm trying to say is that i'm glad i had that dream, i mean, who wouldn't, but it added a bit more than just good sleep for me, it actually made me feel good about myself, haha.. Can't really tell why, it just did.. I know it's awkward but Oguri Shun, you can come by into my dream anytime, haha..

P.S.  Don't worry, love, you're still the one for me..
Love ya loads.. Muaach.. ;D